
Viking Challenge Info and Documents

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Attention all prospective Samohi Cross-Country runners! Are you up for the Viking Challenge? This challenge is a must for all dedicated runners looking to improve during the summer. The basic premise is simple; there are four components to the challenge.

1) EAT RIGHT (give up one item of unhealthy food that you regularly consume – see attached nutrition plan)

2) SLEEP RIGHT (get between 7-10 hours of sleep per night)

3) TRAIN RIGHT (follow the training plan provided by the Coaches, and keep a running log – specifics in attached “Running Log” document below)

4) STUDY RIGHT (read at least one running book – book list available below)

The provided contract (available below) must be signed by both the prospective athlete and a parent or guardian, and must be returned either at the track banquet or to Coach Fischer in room A101 no later than FRIDAY, JUNE 5. Upon completion of the Viking Challenge, the participant will receive a “special gift” (so special that nobody knows what it is). We encourage all prospective Samo runners to participate! Specifics are included in the attached documents below.

Viking Challenge Contract (PDF)

Book List (PDF)

Running Log (PDF)

Nutrition Plan (PDF)

(Note: The attached nutrition plan was devised by a nutritionist for Coach Harley’s friend that had a short career as a professional runner. Although it was designed for him, it is still a good indication of what types of food and how much is appropriate for an athlete. If you decide to utilize it, it does not have to be followed exactly. Try working on one meal.)